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Establish & Maintain Software Development Cells in Colleges
Stage 1:
Analyse, discuss & materialise the Software products / projects / process to be improved in the institution
Stage 2:
Understand the Culture, environment and propose/frame the suitable Model
Stage 3:
Train Students on Software Development & Maintenance Activities
Stage 4:
Establish Software Development Cell(SDC) (MoU with MakeinCollege Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
Stage 5:
Support Students to develop selected Softwares for their Institute
Stage 6:
Enhance SDC to provide Consultancy services
Software Development & maintenance (with Associated College-SDC)
We will provide College level Software Projects / Products / Applications by outsourcing/Collaborating with available Associated College-SDC(s).
Software Development & maintenance
We will provide Software Projects / Products / Applications only:
If the Scope of the product is beyond College Level Software Application
If the Existing process/product has to be improved in terms of Quality, Security or Usage of latest / advanced technology